This page is dedicated to my nephew Cody, who truly was an earth angel with a very special message to share with those who came into his life of unconditional love. He was born on December 29, 1991 a healthy 7 pound 6 ounce baby boy. Two days after his birth he was taken to the hospital due to a high fever, the doctor sent him home three days later claiming his fever was due to a reaction to his formula. When the high fever didn't subside he was taken back to the hospital again, at which time the doctor's began treatment for Meningitis, and three days later the doctor's diagnosed him with ecoli spinal meningitis. He was released from the hospital after the disease had destroyed brain tissue 1/4 inch deep all the way around. He suffered great pain and trauma due to a sliding hyatal hernia and had his first surgery at 4 months of age. After this a feeding tube was necessary and he never regained the ability to take a bottle. For the next 6 months he struggled through numerous siezures varying in strength and duration, as well as numerous surgeries. He was not able to speak and only made cooing sounds, but he had a smile that touched every heart that he came close to. He held within him the ability to communicate heart to heart without use of words. He survived beyond odd's until he passed over on November 5, 1996 at the age of 4 years. He continues to this day to show those whom he touched that death is but an illusion and the connection between souls surpases all. One message that all angels share with those incarnate is "if ever you need me, think of me and I will be there, for truly I have never left you".
Once in every life there comes a time when even the watchers can do nothing but absorb the pain felt by those who call out to them, as it is simply too great to withstand alone. She bears the weight of the world that lays heavy as her tears heal the wounds of the torn and broken spirits so that they may be able to feel the warmth of freedom, of hope and passion. She seeks only to bring hope to those who seem hopeless, guide those who have gone astray, give strength to the willing so they may always walk through the garden of life on their chosen path. She seeks only to serve, for she is a creation of unconditional love.
The silence of tomorrow lies beyond the touch of those who live within the walls of yesterday. Seized is the day when one feels the light, deep as eternity, unrelenting as time, and sees through the shadows a glimpse of forever. For these walls were built not as barriers of stone, but as the stones to stand on, as we climb ever higher, seeing ever further into an unbridled future. Wise is he who finds that the keys of tomorrow can be found only on the other side of yesterday, for it is here that one can hear the never ending echoes of life lived, knowledge gathered, pain endured. For it is not what we carry with us, but how it is carried.
So it was as it will always be, an ocean of challenge for the mind who seeks the calm of inner peace. In search of an hour when all possess knowledge that empowers us to reach forward to a greater goal, a goal that sees that all are victorious, that none will feel the lesser. The day will come for those who live by the principals of peace that they may receive all the riches the world has to offer, for it is here that we deliver our doubt, our fear, our faith. As time dictates, we create and live, hour upon hour, the realities of our own boundaries set forth by youthful broken dreams, only to realize that in the end, the only broken dreams are those not yet lived.
As the dawning of a new era draws near, she scatters the angels of glory and goodwill across the face of a planet void of the knowledge that the fight has not yet begun. A time has been set for those who will pick up their swords and go forth against seemingly overwhelming odds. A time when the belief in ones self exposes strength never before imagined.
"Angels, like people, belong to families or clans. Many names have been given to them, the most familiar can be arranged in three spheres, starting at the top with those closest to God, and moving down to those who are connected to the physical world." "The word 'angel' itself is used both as a generic term to refer to all heavenly beings, and as a specific term to refer to those closest to the physical world. So, too, the word 'ArchAngel' is often used as a generic term to refer to all the high orders of heavenly beings, although they are in fact but one of the higher orders."
SERAPHIM: "The highest order of the highest hierarchy are the seraphim, the celestial beings said to surround the throne of God, singing the music of the spheres, and regulating the movement of the heavens as it emanates from God."
CHERUBIM: "Beyond the thrones are the cherubim. They are the guardians of light, and of the stars. Remote from your plane of reality, still their light touches your lives, the divine light that they filter down from Heaven."
THRONES: "The first order in the third sphere is the thrones. They are the companion angels of the planets. At this time in your history it is important for you to be aware of the particular throne, the Earth Angel, who is guardian of your world."{Lady Gaia}
DOMINIONS: "The dominions are the heavenly beings who govern the activities of all the angelic groups lower than they are. Divine bureaucrats, they also serve to integrate the spiritual and the material worlds. Although they take their orders from God, and rarely contact individuals, their work is connected to your reality."
VIRTUES: "Beyond the powers are another group of beings, the virtues. They are of particular importance to you now because they are able to beam out massive levels of divine energy. As more groups of you learn to work with the virtues, their will be a greater infusion of spiritual energy available on your planet."
POWERS: "The first order of the second sphere are those beings who have been known as powers. They are the bearers of the conscience of all of humanity, the keepers of your collective history. The angels of birth and death are in this category. They are able to draw down and hold the energy of the divine plan the same way trees draw down the energy of the Sun. In this way, the powers can send all of you a vision of a world spiritual network. Just as you have a heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs in your body, all of the worlds religions are different organs in the emerging spiritual body of this planet."
PRINCIPALITIE: "Beyond the group of archangels are the principalities. They are the guardian angels of all large groups, from cities and nations to recent human creations such as multi-national corporations. These might more accurately now be called integrating angels. There are many of these beings involved with your particular integrating angel who carries the pattern of a unified global order in its heart."
ARCHANGELS: "Beyond the angels are the beings you are used to calling the archangels. But we suggest that you call them overlighting angels, since they tend the larger arenas of human endeavor. These beings are from a different family from the angels. There are many different kinds of overlighting angels in this larger family.
ANGELS: "The angels that you're most familiar with are those in the last order. They are the ones who are closest to humanity, the ones most concerned with human affairs. Within the category of angels, there are many different kinds, with different functions. The ones that you know best are the guardian angels. Because of shifts in their functions and your consciousness, it is useful to think of these celestial beings as companion angels. As you enter a time of increased light and love on the planet, they will not need to guard you, but rather will be your guides to greater and greater consciousness."