I remember sitting with Creator during my very creation .. Creator asked "heart or brain?" .. "Oh HEART! Oh Please .. Heart!" As the very creation of my essence continued, as my very personification was determined, the totality of my very soul developing. My level of compassion, kindness, Fire, Passion, my Strengths and abilities. When the creation was almost complete I looked up at Creator. He, seeming content with his creation said "Is there anything that I'm missing my child?" I looked up at him and said "I have no wings". He chuckled, smiled and replied "you need not wings child, for you can travel at the speed of Love" I moved my foot around on the ground and mumbled softly "but I WANT wings, I want the BIGGEST, most BRILLIANT wings that I can carry". He smiled down at me as a father looks lovingly down on an innocent yet determined young soul and laughed. *unfolding and extending my most magnificent wings* So whatcha think of my wings? *giggle*
GREEN said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."
BLUE interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."
YELLOW chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."
ORANGE started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."
RED could stand it no longer, he shouted out: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I bring fire into the blood. I am willing to fight for a cause. I am the color of danger and of bravery. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy."
PURPLE rose up to his full height: He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me, for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."
Finally INDIGO spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."
So the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening.
Thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me." Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.
The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.
I am not religious, yet I am very spiritual. Just because one does not believe in organized religion, doesn’t mean it is not necessary or important. Religion provides a foundation, a base of thought, a place where questioning may begin. Questions that might possibly leave you pondering some of life’s greatest mysteries. A vehicle you utilize in your travels, your value systems, and how you conduct your liffe. When you reach a certain level, as you get closer to the top of the mountain, you abandon the vehicle for you no longer want to be restricted to dogma and doctrine. Having reached that height, you find that your relationship with Supreme Creator is one that is truly spiritual, that all are truly brothers and sisters.
There may come a time in your life when you reach a critical point and are faced with a major decision. There will be a threshold in front of you, and you must decide whether or not you are going to cross that threshold or turn your back to it. In making that decision, once having crossed that threshold, your life will never be the same again. Having crossed that threshold, it will have been a decision of no return.
I see organized religion as a proccess in which you come to the conclusion that there must be a God. But even though you may acknowledge that there is a God, that doesn't mean that you truly understand, comprehend, or have a relationship with God. Attending church also does not necessarily create for you the intimate relationship with Creator that allows you to recognize that Spirit does reside within you. Even if you have learned to stand up or sit down at the right times, memorize all the right places to say amen, to be able to memorize and quote scripture, that these actions alone do not provide you that connection with Spirit. It is only through living your life in accordance with the belief structure you hold deep within you.
For me, the teachings of organized religion didn’t make a lot of sense, and left me wondering what the truth really was. How could there be a God who so lovingly gave us these gifts so freely, then by his fiery wrath swoop down and punish us for using them? How could he bring us into being, be a loving nurturing loving father, then cast us aside so heartlessly?. How could I POSSIBLY be responsible for the death of Jesus 2,000 years before my very birth? Jesus he did NOT die for the sins of man, but lived for them, and he would NEVER ask that you to carry the burdon of that guilt. How was it possible that I was BORN IN SIN when I hadn’t even done anything .. yet *grins*. And What the HELL is Sin, except a term determined by the church as a means to control man through fear of everlasting damnation.
The concept of hell was completely foreign to me. Two thousand years ago there was a dump outside of the city of Jerusalem called Gehenna. The people of Jerusalem would bring to Gehenna their refuse, their throwaways, and that dump burned twenty-four hours a day. When one person would get mad at another, they would say in jest or in anger, "Go spend the rest of your life buring in Gehenna." The english translation of Gehenna was "hell" Gehenna was the model for the fourth-century church for the creation of the concept of hell. Hell was created by the church to control mankind.
Then the extreme religious fanatics really throw me. The one’s who drink poison, and handle poisonous snakes confident that God will protect them because the word of the bible as Law. Not to mention those “self-appointed Warrior’s of God, or disciples of God’s Will, they preach the word of the bible, proclaim judgment on any who do not choose to believe the way they do, and determine punishment in the name of God. I tell you now that God does NOT punish us, we do enough of that ourselves. Creator simply IS Love, there is nothing within God/Goddess that is not love. If the energy is anything but Love, then it is not part of Creator. To harm another, even to strike out and kill another in the “name” of God is NOT within my ability to comprehend. Spiritual competition is very destructive. By your proclaimation that another's belief as being wrong does not in any way strengthen your views as correct or superior to anothers. Belief's can neither be proven or disproved. Faith is the evidence of that which is unseen.
Although I do respect another’s right to believe whatever they choose, I do not pretend to understand them. I, personally, could care less if an individual believed that Spirit spoke to them through their hamster, as long as the path it lead them on was joyous and caused no harm to others. I stand always in support of those who wish to be whom they know themselves to be, whatever that is. To stand against religious persecution of any form that limits the personal rights of another to believe what they want, as well as follow their own truths.
I do not see God as a force that is outside of us, but resides within as well . There is no separation between us and Creator, nor has there ever been. It is our differences that make us special There exists within each of us a Godspark that connects us with our maker. This single spark is our soul, and resides within the center of our heart core. It is what gives us life. When God created man he did so in his own image, meaning that mankind were originally created as complete beings. He reached down and breathed life into man. It was at THIS point that the Godspark .. the soul entered within the body. The body is a vehicle for the soul to utilize when it incarnated here to learn, to experience and to evolve. When you step within your empowerment and connect with this force, you become that aspect of the Creative Force. As you continue to grow from the soul aspect you live from that point. It is something you freely share with the world through a bright smile directed towards a stranger, the sparkle in your eyes when you look upon those you love, a single word of kindness that parts your lips, the compassion within your heart for others that allows you to reach out to assist others, and the tender way you look upon all of life.
There is a story that tells of Man being created in God’s image. Created as complete beings, both male – female, God – Goddess. These creations being all knowing (as God was) drove the ArchAngel’s INSANE with their requests and pleas, that the ArchAngel’s went to God for help. God reached down and split them in half .. male -female .. God –Goddess, thus being referred to as “split-aparts”, or twin-soul’s. The two half’s then became so preoccupied with the yearning with them for the other they began the search for their lost half and the journey back to them. Either that or they fought with each other so much that the ArchAngel's were finally able to get a little peace.
For me, my twin soul is one who was born at the very second in time as I was. The missing piece of my puzzle. The one my soul cried out for when I stood feeling so alone and abandoned, crying out for him to help heal me. He who shares the same snowflake design of my very creation, the very blueprint, vibrational tone of my soul. He who is my equal .. equal Strength, Power, Desire, Passion, Compassion, Fire, and Force. He who loves me more than anything else in life.
One of the aspects of life man fear most is death. People are frightened that it is possible that death may represent oblivion. They think that what if, in reality, there is no afterworld, there is no spiritual world, but instead, we are born into this world by accident. That when we die we no longer continue to exist in any form whatsoever and thereby become extinct. To no longer exist, would that not be the same as never having existed at all? To have no memories of your loved ones, to have no memories of your past accomplishments as well as your failures, victories and defeats, deeds and misdeeds. Would that not be the same as if they had never taken place at all?
I know with all my heart and soul, that there is no such thing as death, for there is only transition. Your spirit and soul are like an indestructible jewel, and your body is the box within which the jewel is contained. Even though in time the box will deteriorate and wear out, the jewel is perpetual and everlasting.
The greatest hardship for us while we are alive in the physical worls is the loss of our loved ones. We experience so much pain and anguish when we lose loved ones. We not only mourn the absence of their company, but we also ask for the comfort of knowing that they are still with us in the spiritual world.
When our loved ones spirits or souls leave their bodies, they travel to the spirit world. They are totally aware of our activities, our anguish and the love that we have for them. They themselves do not feel pain or anguish, for they realize those emotions we are experiencing as a part of mortal life as temporary and transitory. They understand those emotions are emanating from our love and not from our indifference, hostility, or lack of caring. Every human emotion we experience has an impact on our soul, and they know that the sorrow we experience over missing our loved ones is not a negative emotion, but one from love.
While they appreciate the feelings that we have for them that we consider "our loss", they do not want us to feel despair, they do not want us to hurt, and do not want us to feel grief. They are not experiencing pain, nor sadness or anxieties. They would not want us to stop living life because they passed, but rather that to enjoy life. The greatest gift you can give them is to continue on, loving them, missing them, but allowing their love to be an inspiriation to you. Through that love to enjoy every moment and let others enjoy life through you.
If instead, your love for them is reflected in despair, gloom and sadness, and you no longer find joy in the gift of experiencing life in the physical world, you are not honoring their love as they would want you to. No one who loves another wants that love to cause discomfort and heartache to the person they love. Honor their memories, treasure your memories, know that they are and will always be with you. It is important that you understand, that death is the ultimate healing. When the body is in so much pain and discomfort and is experiencing the greatest hardship in functioning, regardless of the cause of that hardship, the ultimate healing is the spirit leaving the body.
I do not believe that the bible holds the complete truth about Jesus. The first Gospel was written appriximately 70 A.D., as well as documents that were originally written in ancient Aramaic, at least 35 years after the events took place. The documents were then translated into ancient Greek, then again translated into ancient Latin. Then in the last half of the fourth century, they were translated into contemporary Latin by the pre-medieval church, and it as at this time that they distorted the true message of Jeshua. Finally, they were transferred into English, fifteen hundred years after the original writing. Unfortunately , many people have been taught to believe that the bible was not written by man, but was written by God, or at least that God inspirited every word of the bible, and that the words of the bible represent infinite truth. They believe that the bible must never be challenged, never questioned, and that those who do challenge or question it, or do not accept the bible as absolute truth, are misguided and are to be held in contempt.
The Savior Icon is a later "inspiration" of the early Christian church. It had nothing to do with his own vision of himself and his mission. Jesus' self-understanding did not include thinking and speaking of himself as the Son of God, and his message was not about believing in him. Jesus knew that every every soul was sacred and blessed. Jesus places the responsibility for the "real life" squarely on the shoulders of each human being; he did not claim to be the savior who will initiate everyone into this "abundant life", he is the sign that such a life is possible, but the work and sacrifice and passionate search for awakening have to be chosen and undertaken individually by each person.
Jesus was NOT sent her to teach us to “Fear God”, as love and fear are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Fear is that which is absence of love. Jesus came here to share a message. That we will NOT find God in the temples, that we will find him in the fields, in our homes, in our hearts. That we need not fear, because God was not a spiteful God, but a loving compassionate parent. Jesus did not die on the cross to save our souls, but to show us through ascension that we are eternal beings. That the body may perish, that we were NOT our bodies. We are soul and the soul never ceases to be.
Jesus was a Master Healer who healed the masses, yet called upon us to heal others and ourselves. He stood against the greed that had grown within the churches and the religious leaders search for power calling them false prophets of God. The church, afraid of the following Jesus had received, felt their very power slipping through their fingers and they tried their best to discredit his teachings. When his power continued to grow they charged him with a crime against the church, convinced the Roman political leaders that he was a threat to their power structure. The evening following the supper, the Romans arrested Jesus, the next day the Romans cricified him. Only the Romans had the power of capital punishment, only the Romans had the power to take another's life.
Like the prophets before him, Jesus saw that amongst the greatest enemies of the Kingdom and of God's rule on earth, were precisely those who claimed to interpret, mediate, and represent it - the religious establishment. Selfish, hypocritical, time-serving, obsessed with honors and laws and rules that kept their power intact. They had no authentic mystical experience of the Kingdom, for if they had, they would know what they were doing. Jesus was killed by both the religious and political authorities of his time because his teachings and being aimed at creating a new form of life that would make both obsolete. Jesus was killed because the glory of his vision of human equality in God and the sacredness of every individual subverted the entire order on which both religious and political society was based. Had Jesus simply been some kind of mystic healer with some vague spiritual ideas, he would have been left alone. Jesus fatal gift was the ability to see the cruelty of all man-made cultures and power systems, and to call for a unification of the world in the spirit of God's justice and mercy, and to show in his being, teachings and practice that such a new fusion was real and possible.
Jesus was the most dangerous kind of rebel to the religious and political powers as he had seen the Kingdom and knew it was the only reality. He did not merely speak the truth, but lived and manifested it's splendor in the beauty of his presence, in the clarity and inner coherence of his teaching, in his fearlessness in the face of opposition. He was the most dangerous kind of rebel because he could not be swayed from his purpose by anything, and he could not be bought. Jesus was the most dangerous kind of rebel, too, because the vision that guided and inspired him through everything flamed from a direct mystical knowledge that would give him the courage to die, if necessary, for what he believed, not even torture, humiliation, and death would destroy his spirit.