A long, long time ago, before our universe exploded into existence, before time began, there was an infinite, endless force of energy! This unlimited force of energy reached as far as forever. Filling eternity. Expanding into infinity. A realm without time, space or motion. This force of energy was the only reality.
The nature of this energy was total sharing, giving and imparting. The essence of this energy was infinite fulfillment and pleasure. In Hebrew, the word used to describe this energy force was Or. In English, Or means, The Light. The Light expanded and filled every corner of infinity. Included within the Light Fulfillment, peace of mind, pleasure, power, security, contentment. In fact, the Light was comprised of all the fulfillment one could possibly imagine, and infinitely more.
The inherent nature of the Light was giving, sharing, and endless imparting. Therefore, the Light created a receiver with which to share its essence of infinite fulfillment. The nature of the Vessel was an infinite desire to receive. For every type of pleasure the Light issued, there was a corresponding desire to receive contained within the Vessel. Because the Light's essence was infinite varieties of fulfillment, the Vessel contained infinite desires to receive in order to receive all this fulfillment. This is the only creation that has ever occurred. The Creation of The Vessel. That's it. End of story. No other creation has ever taken place. This creation occurred before the Big Bang, before the primordial fireball explosion that gave birth to our universe!
That infinite and endless Light, composed of infinite fulfillment and pleasure, created a Vessel in order to manifest the Light's fundamental nature of sharing. This Vessel is also known as the Infinite Soul. Each one of our souls .. yours, mine, and all the souls of humanity throughout time, they were all a part of the One Infinite Soul that was the Vessel and so too were all the souls of the animals in the wildlife kingdom including the giraffe to the tiny turtle, not to mention the entire vegetable kingdom,, along with the trees of the rain forest. In Fact, every speck of matter throughout our universe, all of it, everything, the whole shebang, was a part of that Infinite Soul.
Everything in our universe is imbued with its own soul, a spark of Light, a life force, breathing it into existence. The only difference between the "soul" of a rock and the "soul" of a person is the degree and intensity of its desire to receive Light. Because that is what a Vessel does. It receives Light. The more Light it receives, the more complex and evolved the entity. The more Light it receives, the higher the consciousness of the entity. The Light's sole intention was to give the ultimate fulfillment to the Vessel. In other words, fulfill every possible desire the Vessel had.
The Light continued to completely fill the Vessel, the nature of the Light was absorbed by the Vessel. The Vessel's super-saturation of the Light's nature was so magnificent, the attributes of the Light were passed onto the Vessel. We might even say that the Vessel Inherited the "DNA" of it's Creator. The more the Vessel receives The Light, the more intelligence it inherits. Because the Vessel cannot express its nature, that it cannot be the cause of its fulfillment, nor can it share its fulfillment, it therefore CANNOT experience total and complete fulfillment. It still has a desire that cannot be fulfilled - the desire to share its essence.
As long as the Vessel is in a purely receiving mode, it remains separated from the Light. The Vessel stopped receiving the Light. The Vessel pushed back the Light and said, " No more!" The moment the Vessel pushed back the Light and stopped receiving, it shut down its system. It was no longer simply a receiver, no longer just an effect. It was no longer under the control of the Light. The moment the Vessel restricted the Light from filling it, the Light withdrew its emanance and created a vacated space, a single point of darkness within the Endless World. The infinite had given birth to the finite. Like a loving parent who stands back to allow their child to fall so that the child will eventually learn to walk on their own, the Light withdrew the moment the Vessel said "Thanks, but no thanks. I'd like to generate a little Light on my own".
By pushing back the Light and shutting down its receiving state, the Vessel took a tiny first step towards unleashing its full nature. The one infinite Vessel then shattered into endless pieces of all sizes and grades. Herein lies the cause behind an explosion of unimaginable proportions - the Big Bang origin of our universe.
Inside the tiny little point of darkness that emerged when the Light withdrew, was the shattered Vessel. As the Light continued to withdraw its radiance, the point expanded. The energy of the shattered Vessel, gradually cooled and densified into atoms, stars, galaxies and a sparkling blue jewel that became our home, the planet earth. The pieces of the shattered Vessel are all the fragments of matter and energy the make up our entire cosmos - from atoms to zebras, from microbes to musicians. Each of us, everything, represents a portion of the original Vessel.
So here we are, a shattered Vessel, flung across the expanse of time and space, finding ourselves in a darkened universe, feeling lacks, wants and desires within our soul. In the Endless realm, all our wants and desires were completely filled, brimming with infinite Light. We had it all except for one thing: the ability to be create.
In order to conceal the blazing Light of the Endless from us, a series of curtains were put up. Ten "curtains" were used to conceal the Light. Each successive curtain further reduces the emanation of Light, gradually dimming its brilliance to a level that is almost imperceivable to our five senses. The result is our In reality, the Endless World never disappeared. The Light never vanished. The Light was simply concealed from the Vessel. Only from our perspective had it all vanished.
We came down from the mountain, so to speak, to enter the world of hardship, of chaos, and real-world problems so that we could have the necessary triggers to ignite reactions within us. Each trigger gives us the opportunity to transform our reactive, instinctive behavior into the same nature as our Creator. Transformation.
That is what it's all about. All the chaos and challenges in life serve an important and vital function in our spiritual growth at each obstacle acts as a stimulant to arouse reactions. We now have the chance to stop our reaction. To reenact the original restriction. To create a new person out of ourselves. To be in complete control of our feelings as opposed to another person or an external situation controlling our emotions. To become the cause and not just the effect. When we dig deep into our soul and stop our reactive behavior and push back the momentary Light it generates, we will then attain lasting Light. Our internal decision to not react is now the cause of our fulfillment.
Since the dawn of civilization, morals and ethics have not motivated society to undergo a transformation leading to peace and unity. They may be noble concepts, but they won't ever change the nature of the beast. Never has. Never will. We are a species of receivers - as in, what's in it for me. And that's okay. That was the intent of the Creator when he created us. There must be something in return that people can receive, touch, feel and enjoy if they are to be highly motivated to take action.
The whole purpose of not reacting is to get you closer to the Light so that you can receive. So stop your reactive desire to constantly think about yourself and start thinking about the next guy. Not because it's good ethics, but because this kind of behavior serves your own interests. It will bring you everything you truly desire from life.
Each of us has the power to bring 100% personal fulfillment to our lives by completely transforming our nature. When enough of us on this planet reach that level, a critical mass will be met and this world will be overwhelmed with an infusion of Light that will generate more fulfillment than you can possibly imagine.