Why are we here? That's a very good question. Truly, you and only you, know the answer to that question. That question is one that you must answer for yourself. The answer to that question may vary from one soul to the next for we are all here for varied purposes, some more complex then others. Some new soul's may have set out for an easy journey, one of smooth sailing with very few obstacles in their path, whereas others came here with the clear intention of experiencing themselves as who they know themselves to be. I do know, without any doubt, that a strong soul would never have wanted the experience to be easy. They know of the opportunities of experience that exist on this world and they KNOW that they are stronger than anything life can offer. (personal reflection: I just know I must have been standing on the other side tempting fate. Knowing who I am .. standing up challenging the gamekeepers to “give me your best shot” *whispering to you .. be careful what you ask for .. you may just get what you ask for and more and end up with what I call “life overload”* *giggle*)
It is one thing to know something because you can sense it, by having it is told to you by others or by reading it in a book. To me, that is knowledge. To have experienced this knowing by living it, by BEING it, is an entirely different aspect. To me, this is wisdom. To BE who we know ourselves to be, to extend that part of us through the way we approach life, to face each of life’s obstacles with anxious anticipation knowing that each obstacle is an opportunity to transcend, to grow, to evolve and ascend slightly with each experience.
We are a part of life and we all move, live and think as we have the right to. Life goes on, and so do we, growing rich in experience and in capacity to achieve. Your positive experiences supply you with a directness to meet the challenges of your life. Know that out of each experience, each mistake is a stepping stone to greater understand, to greater opportunity and to greater achievement. You grow stronger with each experience and you are stronger than anything life can offer. For you are more than any challenge for you possess the power and ability to channel any experience into a rich and rewarding way of life. You must always aware of my innate worth. There are things to be done by you that are done better by you than by any other human being. Ever word, every movement, every gesture preserves your unique stamp upon life. For as long as time has been, or ever shall be, there is no one who can exactly duplicate you. You are free, free to be you, free to change that which must be changed, to improve that which can be improved, to let go of that which is inhibiting or destructive. Accept myself. Accept others as they are. Accept even those who are unacceptable as unacceptable and go on your way. See them having all the good you desire for yourself. What you desire for self, so should you also desire for everyone else. You have fulfilled your nature. Once you have supplied yourself with those priceless qualities and feelings .. acceptance, love and forgiveness then and only then may you then have them to give. For you cannot give of yourself something that you yourself do not possess.
My all time favorite explanation of why we are here comes from a children’s parable called “The Little Soul and The Sun” written by Neal Donald Walsch, who also wrote the “Conversations With God” series. This parable tells of a very special and adventurous little soul who was having a conversation with God. The little soul stands up and proclaims himself to be that which he is. That he is Light. Then asks God if it is all right for him to experience himself as he knows himself to be. God smiled at the little soul and thought that was a grand undertaking, but questioned the little soul as to how that could be done since all that had been created was Light. How can one experience themselves as light when all that surrounded them was Light. It is not easy to see oneself as Light when they are but one candle amongst millions of candles, each as brilliant as the other. The little soul looks up at God and says “you’re God .. think of something”. In that very instant darkness was created. God cautions the little soul to not stand and curse the darkness, for darkness was not darkness but light. It was a gift from Supreme Creator brought into being so that we may have the opportunity to know ourselves as we are .. as we were created.
The little soul then had to decide what aspect of self he wished to experience. He could be any aspect of spirit that he so desired. The little soul decided to be that aspect called ‘forgiveness’ and became all excited with the chance to experience that part until God pointed out that in order to know that aspect called forgiveness he must first have something to forgive. The little soul grew discouraged as he looked around at all the other souls who had gathered to hear the amazing conversation this little adventurous soul was having with God and realized that none were less brilliant than he. Until a very giving soul stepped forward and offered to assist the little soul. He agreed to come into life with the little soul and to do something that the little soul would have the opportunity to forgive. The giving soul asked only one thing in return. The giving soul explained that in order for him to do this he would have to lower his vibration so far that he himself may forget who he really is, and asks the little soul that, at that very moment when I cause this act to be brought upon you that you remember who I am. For if the giving soul forgets who he is and the little soul forgets who he is then other soul’s may need to be brought to them in order for them both to remember who they truly are. Which goes to show that we are not here merely for self, but also to reach out and assist our brothers and sisters who are here who may have lost themselves along the way. We are all Spirit incarnate. I encourage you to take a moment in reflection and remember what aspect of Spirit you asked to experience. This book is one of my MOST favorite books of all times. I encourage you to find this book and read it for yourself. I hope you find it as enlightening, as tender and true as I have.
This (slightly edited) story is channeled information from THE GROUP, taken from the Lightworker.com site, which can be found at http://www.lightworker.com.
Let us take you on a journey.......
All of us here are gathered in a meadow at the base of a mountain. We are home and we are all playing together in perfect love. A dear brother approaches and says, "Would anyone here like to play a new Game?"
"What kind of Game?" You ask. "Is it like the ones we play now?"
"No," he replies. "It is like nothing we have ever done before. It will be an elaborate Game with many props and disguises. We will wear veils so that we can no longer see or remember our true nature, even the veil will be hidden from view. Then we will start the Game and begin to remember. This veil will be so effective that you will forget not only who you are; you will even forget home. Even as we pass each other on our paths, we will look into each other's eyes and not recognize one another. The veil will be so effective that many will look around at the props and disguises and truly believe that is all there is. You will retain all of your powers, yet you will not remember how to use them or that they are even there.
"The Game will be played in phases and before we start each phase of the Game we may place as many reminders in our path as we wish, to help us re-member. Be advised to place many reminders, for most of you will rationalize them away easily. We will choose the time and place of our entrances and exits on the Gameboard. We will also set up circumstances and lessons we wish to complete while we are under the veil. A tally will be kept and points will accumulate from one phase to the next. This point system will only be used by you to determine what will be included in your next phase. You will not be able to remember from one phase to the next, yet, once mastered, certain attributes may be carried forward into the next phase. You will always carry your core essence and personality, yet you will not re-member that it passes with you through the veil into every phase.
"Humor will always be a reminder that passes unchecked through the veil, and if we find you getting too serious we will tickle your funny bone as a reminder that this is only a Game. There will also be many Masters available along the way to help us if we wander too far from the path. Oh yes, I almost forgot an important part of the Game . . . at all times there will be Free Choice. You have complete choice in all matters, you may even choose not to play the Game, or to call in a substitute. You may choose to hide, or you may choose to seek, it is entirely up to you.
"On the Gameboard there will be polarity. This has to do with the mechanics of the Gameboard itself, and will be a necessary component as it provides the contrast needed. However, polarity will taint your vision. Through eyes tainted with polarity, you perceive things as Up or Down, Light or Dark, Good or Bad, Love or Fear and Right or Wrong. Do not let this fool you, it is only illusion.
"We will all leave our higher aspects of ourselves in a special place for the duration of the Game, otherwise the Game would be much too easy. Your higher self will be available to you at all times. Your challenge will be to learn to access it, and to re-member that it exists as part of yourself. You may choose special loved ones to ride on your shoulder to advise you during the Game. Again, remembering that they even exist will be a big part of the Game itself.
"The goal of the Game will be to see how many can remember who they are, where they are from, and what powers of creation they have. Once you remember, then you may remerge with your higher self and re-create home on the other side of the veil to demonstrate that you have fully re-membered.
"So who wants to play?"
Copyright Notice:
Copyright 2000 Steve Rother. This information may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided that there is no charge for the information and provided that this notice is attached. When using an edited or partial version of this material please clearly state that this is an edited version and refer the reader to the full original version at http://www.lightworker.com/beacons/ Further information from Steve Rother and the Group may be found at the web site: http://www.lightworker.com/ or through Lightworker at (858) 748 5837.