To My Love, without you my essence would never have experienced the extreme depths of love a soul could reach. When you came into my life I had all but given up. My heart broken and beaten so badly that I just could not take any more heartache. I, a Being of Heart and Faith, was at the point of giving up my heart and walking away. I had nothing else to believe in, nor could I dare to dream any longer. I had nothing left to give. I had given up on the only thing that my soul had cried out so deeply for. To know a love that was so deep that it did not belong to this world. A love so deep that it began at the base of the soul and grew from there. A love so tender .. so true .. that it left your soul tingling with delight at just the thought of my love. I just KNEW that a love like this existed.
I found myself standing on the edge of the earth. I reached up and had taken an energy globe in my hands. Holding this energy globe tenderly in my hands .. I opened my heart, my soul and filled it with all my hopes, my dreams and fantasies of the love I had sought so long for. I filled this crystal with the deepest love, passion, and tenderness that my soul could draw forth until this crystal sparkled. Sealing this globe with tears, to protect the purity of the energy within it, I lifted up my hands and released it. After watching this float away I dropped to my knees and cried .. crying because I had given up the one thing that I wanted more than anything ever to find.
At that moment you walked into my life. You reached down and lifted me up. Your love gave me strength. You restored my faith, a soul that life had all but left. You held me in your arms and helped me to stand again. You looked in my eyes and believed in me, until I was able to look into yours and believe in myself. You reached out your hand to me and gave me your heart. You wrapped your soul around me so protectively and showed me what real love is .. what it was always meant to be. You are the greatest gift I have ever received. And Love You I do, with all my heart, with all my soul. You are my love, my life, my star filled sky. You are my hero, my wildest dream and most sacred desire come true. No matter where my journey takes me, the experience of you will remain with me through eternity. I will hold you forever in a place where miracles belong, because that is what you are to me. I adore you! I Love You! Baby, this is for you *kiss*
Without you I feel empty.
Together we are everything.
'Tis said it is better to have loved and lost
How wronged can a broken heart feel?
To think of never loving you
To me each day of loving you was a blessing.
My thoughts are with you tonight
To understand this feeling,
My sadness is for not being
As I lay here my body aches
Just to see your face
You wait your entire life for that special love. Then it is unreachable. Perhaps because of fear, perhaps because of circumstances or perhaps because of love itself. A special love that leaves an emptiness within you if you cannot hear the other person's voice. But that makes you feel whole again with one gentle hello.
A special love of longing night after night for just the sight of them or just the feeling of knowing that they may care too. A love that you know in this lifetime you will never feel again. Nor would ever want to feel again, if it brings you this much pain not to have it.
Oh, my special love please come to me. My special one please hold me and tell me this is not all for nothing. That deep within your soul your love is the same as mine. We belong together. We need each other to make our lives complete. My only one. My treasured one. My special love.
How can you love someone you have never seen with a feeling so passionate that it makes your heart skip a beat at the sound of his voice? How can you feel his hands on you, when he has never touched you? How can you feel his lips kiss yours when he has never whispered your name in the night?
A love with such passion that life could have never known it in your wildest dreams. Or if it could ever be possible would you turn it away in fear that it could not be real for you had never known such a love. For this love I would take the chance of heartbreak. For I have known a lifetime of heartbreak and heartbreak in itself is of a temporary nature if we allow it to be.
But to know just one moment in my life with such passion .. such feeling .. such want .. such need. I would give myself entirely .. without regret .. without sorrow .. without remorse .. to you .. your wants .. your needs .. your love .. your life.
To deny such a love would be the most fatal of mistakes. To deny myself your love would be an injustice within itself to the name of love. To have a love based on a spiritual not physical beginning could only result in the most special of loves. The love you wait a lifetime for. A love so strong that heaven nor earth could stop it from being.
This is about loving you perfectly, forever. The Spirit Lovers Legend is about being in a perfect, spiritual love in the moment for you. As a legend it is told that each of us has within us a spirit lover. A spirit lover is a lover who can love and be loved perfectly. This perfect love is a depth of loving that satisfies us completely and surrounds us with each breath. This spiritual love can make us feel one with our lover, it comes from a place deep within us. This love is forever and it feels like we have known our lover as long we can remember, from the beginning of time until the end of time. In The Spirit Lovers Legend, an ordinary man and an ordinary woman are the spirit lovers from the beginning of time to the end of time and in this lifetime they find each other and they see each other. When she falls in love with him, she sees her lover as God. She experiences him, her love for him is like god's love, the way she experiences God. The way he loves her and the way he sees her, he sees her as the goddess who has been unseen. When any ordinary lover falls in love with their lover as the god or goddess, they are the spirit lover. The spirit lovers have come back to earth so that each of us as the god and the goddess will be reunited with our lovers and when we are reunited we will fall in love with each other and we will heal the world. It is about teaching everyone, all people, anyone who is capable of having a lover, how to fall in love in the most sacred way, and the most loving way, and how to love each other perfectly.
After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean possession and company doesn't mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of an adult and not the grief of a child. And you learn to build your roads today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have ways of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure that you really are strong and you really have worth and you learn and you learn.
The Lover's Touch (written by Diana Daffner)
The Lover asked: "How would you like me to touch you?" The Lover answered: I would like you to touch me as if you were going away tomorrow, far far away, and you wanted to remember the feel of my body, the texture of my skin, the hills and valleys that make up the landscape of who I am... I would like you to touch me as if you were blind, knowing that you love me, but unable to see me. Touch my face, my breasts, my belly, my toes... learn what I "look" like, imagine me in your mind as your hands explore my shape.
I would like you to touch me as if your hands were healing hands, radiating love energy with every stroke. Feel the energy penetrating through skin, through flesh, entering into the cells of my body. I would like you to touch me as if you gained your nourishment through your hands. Feed on me, drink deeply and draw from your touch the love that I hold for you.
I would like you to touch me as if you were feeding me through your hands, as if by your touch I am nourished and sustained. Every inch of me cries out for your touch, yearns to be fed. I would like you to touch me as if your hand were a feather, lightly caressing the edge of my being.
I would like you to touch me as if your hands were paintbrushes, and as you caress me, you are coloring me in brilliant, sparkling, dazzling hues. I would like you to touch me as if you were erasing the outer me, allowing me to reveal my inner self to you. I would like you to touch me as if you had carved a sculpture, and were now feeling its finish, smoothing out any rough areas, enjoying the finished product. I would like you to touch me as if your hands were fire, burning away the dross and leaving only the pure gold of my soul.
I would like you to touch me as if your hands were sponges, soaking up the essence of my being. I would like you to caress me as if I were made of dry clay, and by dampening my skin you enliven my spirit. I would like you to touch me as if my skin were soft velvet. I would like you to touch me as if you were a musician, and your touch brought forth different sounds from different parts of me. I would like you to touch me as if I were a rare jewel, precious and valuable. I would like you to touch me as if I were your Lover.