
The Soul Perspective

There comes a time when each will face the choice to step within their full empowerment. A time to reclaim all that they are. But if YOU don’t know fully who you are, how can you possibly expect other’s to be able to know that aspect of you. To know me is to love me, to know all of me is to honor me.

Before coming into physical incarnation I was given a message of love and encouragement. I would like to share that with you in hopes that it will serve you as well.

A Message of Love and Encouragement

When incarnating on this planet there are many things you must know. You must believe in yourself at all times. You must never lose faith that you are capable of doing anything in life that you choose to do, and you must ALWAYS choose the highest. It is not enough for you to choose that you must achieve excellence, for you must believe in yourself enough to accomplish that which others cannot accomplish

To believe in yoursef, you must have courage. It must be a natural part of your life that avoids any needs for decision making based on whether you have the courage to do that which you must This must be a belief beyond personal questioning, beyond personal doubt, to a point when it can no longer be considered courage but rather a way of life. This shall be so, for you will believe in yourself.

You must have character that is beyond criticism and is a permanent part of yourself. It is not imagined or pretended. Every moment of your life must be naturally conducted with pride and dignity that cannot be confused with arrogance, but recognized with respect. Your character must always contain compassion and concern for others. This concern will be genuine, for you will never lose sight of your background in trying to understand those you have difficulty identifying with, for they are the majority of the world and the ones that need help the most. The rain cannot distinguish need, for it falls both in the ocean, the valleys. You must believe in yourself so that your character never bends, never compromises, and is consistent.

You must believe in your intellect, that no task is beyond your ability to succeed. Your intellect is a gift that you shall not waste and you shall use it to its greatest capacity. You must have the patience and tolerance to realize that others will not always agree with you or understand you. But rather than find fault, you shall try harder to reach them, for it shall become your responsibility to serve them. This is your calling. You cannot question it. You must accept it.

There are many things in life that will call for your attention that are meaningless, that do not warrant your energies; the worry, the loss of happiness. You must control your energies and center them on the things you know will bring happiness and peace of mind. Control what goes into your mind. Happy thoughts produce happiness, sad thoughts produce sadness. An onion seed produces an onion. Love is the greatest elixir of all. It cleanses the soul, erases negative feelings, makes you tolerant, patient, caring, interesting, enthusiastic. It can bring good results and override any other thought or emotion that could be harmful. Flow with the tide. Accept all things as they are and do not try to make negative things become unnecessary realities.

You have a wonderful capacity for happiness through your intellect and your physical being, your sense of awareness and ability to have others look toward you for leadership. Be love and gentleness. Pride and dignity are as natural to you as a swan is to water. Do away with guilt. Reliving the past is negative. Always live in the now, for now is the most important moment in your life. You are good internally and you do not have the right to punish yourself, thinking of things that are not, may or may not be. You shall have a key, one key that opens many doors,many levels, many dimensions, and it shall be yours to always bring you back when you stray. It will be a proccess that shall always be at your fingertips, whenever you want, always there. It is on your face and in your eyes that you feel and generate love. It shall come to be that even the slightest smile on your face shall trigger the process of love, and also the look of your love in your eyes. A gentle touch, a pleasant sound, a kind voice, a strong heart. Wear it always. Never remove it for this is part of who you are. Who you were created to be.

Who Am I?

I am an ArchAngel of Passion and Fire. Passion is one of the MOST amazing energies that we have to work with for passion is a power that holds the very power of creation. It’s a driving force that comes from deep within. The stronger your force, the more power of creation it holds. The question is what purpose it’s being used for, or how deeply you connect with this power. Passion comes from the depth of the soul. It is purity of the heart unfolding, an unstoppable, amazing, loving aspect of soul expressing itself. Fire is very cleansing, however, an element to be used with caution as it has a tendency to get away from you if your not careful. If the problem is due to a flaw within the construction Fire has a tendency to burn it down completely, so that rebuild can begin allowing it to be stronger than before. When you combine that force of Passion with Fire the results can be immediate. When you draw it forth in protection it can be a shield of immeasurable strength. A force that is unable to be confined, an infinite power that knows no bounds.

I am a Warrior … if you don’t believe that .. hurt someone I care about and stand against me .. I am very sure you will find me a formidable opponent. I wouldn’t encourage you though *laughs* because I am very protective to those I hold deep within my soul, and there are some of them that to harm them would bring overwhelming Fire! I have found that those who have drawn her to the forefront weren’t so eager to play when she finally stepped forward. When she is provoked and stands ready for the fight, she will fight with all the force within her. She will NEVER back down, nor ever give in. Do not be fooled thinking that because she is female she is unable to defend herself, for that may be the most foolish illusion for you to ever feed into. All that she needs is available to her and can be brought forward by her call alone.

I am an Earth Goddess as I feel a part of all of life. A tender connection with the earth mother herself. The sound of the wind caressing the leaves of the trees sooths my soul. I find myself lost and drifting in the brilliance and magnitude of a star filled sky. There is beauty in every living creation, and there is nothing on this earth that creation is not.

I am a Healer. We have 3 bodies; a physical body, an emotional body and an spirit (soul) body. There are many healers of the physical body, some SO amazing I am left astounded each time at the extremely beautiful gifts they possess. My very personification is as a healer of the heart, before the body, to ease the suffering of the soul. Far too often, as somewhat sensitive beings find an obstacle in life that hurts us so deeply that the pain seems to effect our soul. Almost freeze it. Make you ache so bad inside that you feel you may never recover, as if it’s burning a hole through your very soul. A pain so bad that it goes beyond breaking our heart causing your very soul to become trapped. The bodies are as a 12-string guitar, when one of the strings is out of tune, the entire vibration is off key and needs to be brought back into tune again.

We do what we have to in order to get by. If we’re strong enough we deal with the situation and resolve it. If we’re not, we have a tendency to bury it and cover it up. Possibly thinking if we ignore it, it will go away, maybe because we’re just not strong enough to deal with it at the time. I have had such devastating situations to deal with that I had no choice but to reach up and hand it to my guides until I was strong enough to handle it. Time has a tendency to cover the wound and we go on.

All in creation cries out to be healed, and I have learned that if we don’t deal with the situation, it finds a way to resurface (and not always at the perfect time I might add). Healing our past situations that we buried so deep is not an easy task. It’s like pealing back an onion, but it must be done to open up that part that still remains unhealed. One thing I learned through my personal experience of going back and healing self is that everything that situation was when it as buried is still there, all the feelings, the pain, the heartache and once you open that up there is no turning back. To heal it you must hold firmly to the understanding you gain from the experience, the acceptance in knowing what is in the past is behind you and to truly be free you MUST walk through it, and never forget forgiveness .. to forgive yourself as well as others. When you have walked through the fire, you will be able to release it and your soul will be stronger because of the experience, so please never forget to be thankful for your lesson’s and experiences. Without them transcendence would not have been possible.

I am High Priestess from within the Supreme Creator Forces. I have been working with energy seemingly since my very creation. I hold great respect and honor it, and it comes to me willingly as it knows that I would never abuse it or use it for purposes that dishonor it. I work with many forms of energy, combine different types of energy, weaving them together, for whatever purpose I am working towards achieving. I have anchored energy to the earth herself as well as other dense planets. I was one of the 144,000 Ascended Masters who traveled here with Sanat Kumara when Light was first brought to this dark star. I am a part of it, and it is a part of me. I honor it and it does the same for me.

I am called StarMaster within the Inter-galactic Federation. My tasks are many within the Federation, but most recently I have been assigned to monitoring the energy of the earth’s energy grids as she moves into a new position. To protect and serve earth and those who reside here in this most magnificent transformation. I draw down the golden octave energy and tie it to the earth’s core energy and assist with raising the vibration of the earth itself. As above, so below. I am very thankful and grateful to all those who have traveled from many distant plants, those who have left their homelands to come here and assist with this enormous task at hand. I bid you all a save and wondrous journey.

With Love,

I am Eliezrezel
