What is Truth? For me, I see levels, stages or depths in everything. It is not my belief that there is only one truth, but many levels of truth. There is a spec of truth in all things. What we held as truth 10 years ago may not be that which we hold as truth today, nor what we may hold as truth in the future. Change is growth .. that which does not change, ceases to be. So we continue to seek deeper truths until we reach that Supreme Truth. That which doesn't falter. That which holds true above all else. That which rings as truth to the very core of our soul. It's our differences that make everything so special, and to be able to co-exist in peace and harmony.
To deny one truth would be to deny all truths. To place one thing above another degrades all things. To me, it is not important that we all believe the same things, only that we believe in something so deeply that it is reflected in the way we live our lives, the way we treat each other.
We are not all on the same path, nor the same stage on our chosen paths. One of the greatest gift's we can give another is to honor and respect them enough to allow them to walk their own path .. their own truths. I seek not to control another's path, as that would cause me to be responsible for them. I merely seek to be responsible for self, and to allow others to hold that responsibility for themselves. I wish only to share my thoughts, my theories, my truths, a piece of my heart, a glimpse of my soul. I bid thee a Warm Welcome.
I encourage you to use discernment while reviewing these messages of love. This is exercising your own power through discernment instead of determining value because of a label placed on it. Discernment is the greatest expression of the God within you for it clearly uses your power to direct your own world. Use this as the tool it was intended to be. If it pulls at your heart strings then take it as your own. If there is anything less then leave it without judgment for it was placed there for another. I wish you joy and peace on this journey called Life.
I Am Infinite, Yet It Is When You're Quiet That You Will Recognize Me
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